What I've done here is link the Mexican Immigration INM Visa Website, for starters. Then I have reprinted each page, translated the Spanish - in red an highlighted areas that you have to fill in. The best way to use this guide would be to either print it or open up another application so you can work your way one line at a time. Good luck.
Trámites migratorios Visas
Bienvenido Welcome
Las autoridades migratorias blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah
Selecciona el país de tu nacionalidad, es necesario para indicarte si tu trámite requerirá o no una visa.
Choose your nationality from the dropdown box. You must enter a nationality to continue.
País (nacionalidad): ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA
Selecciona el motivo de tu consulta Select the motive of your consult
1.Visitar México
2.Vivir en México
3.Protección Internacional
4.Permisos y otros trámites CLICK HERE on Permits and other Procedures
5.Preguntas frecuentes
Here is the next step. I have entered into Permisos....
Permisos y Otros Trámites
El gobierno de México, a través del Instituto Nacional de Migración, con el objetivo de garantizar seguridad jurídica blah blah blah
Below you make another choice to get to the next page.
4.Certificado de Acreditación de Legal Estancia Certification of Accreditation(?) of Legal Residence. THIS IS THE CHOICE YOU WANT TO MAKE IF YOU ARE RENEWING A CURRENT VISA.
5.Permiso de Salida y Regreso
6.Expediente Básico
7.Expedición y Reposición de Formas Migratorias
8.Inscripción al Registro Nacional de Extranjeros
Next page, the quest for legality....
Certificado de Acreditación de Legal Estancia
Si estas realizando algún trámite blah blah blah
¿Tu forma migratoria se encuentra vigente?
1.Si Is your visa current? YES.
This is the next page that opens up after you click yes above. It tells you the requirements.
Cédula de consulta type of consult
Trámite consultado process consulted? (whatever)
Tipo de trámite: Certificado de acreditación de legal estancia This is important. Type of visa. Certificate of legal residence. Keep that in mind when they ask other questions.
Requisitos Requirements
•Solicitud de trámite. (Formato de estancia) Your application for the visa. CLICK ON "FORMATO DE ESTANCIA" and it takes you to the application you need to fill out. Read this whole page first though.
•Copia de tu forma migratoria vigente. Copy of your current migratory form (in my case, FM3)
•Comprobante de pago de derechos. Proof that you paid the dues..which you can't provide until you have done all this other stuff. They give you this paper at your appointment, which you make by phone once you see your confirmation information on the webisite they provide. You go to your appt, they give you the paper, you go to the bank a few blocks away around the corner on Reforma, Banorte, and pay your dues. As soon as you come back with this paper you are good to go....your green number gets you right in and serviced quickly.
•Escrito firmado por el extranjero en el que manifieste los fines para los cuales requiere el certificado de legal estancia. This is that letter we have to provide every year. It is supposed to print out for you once you have printed your SAVED APPLICATION. If you have trouble printing that form, BE SURE TO WRITE DOWN your confirmation number. They can pull your request up on their computer that way. And they help fill in the blanks if you hit a wrong button. The letter reads a little differently this year.
¿Dónde debes presentar tu trámite? Where should you present your stuff?
•El trámite lo podrás presentar en cualquier delegación del Instituto Nacional de Migración cercana a tu lugar de residencia. We all know where immigration is located, there is only one office in Merida. Colon and 8th, if I'm not mistaken.
•Consulta la siguiente dirección: website for immigration offices.
¿Cuáles son tus obligaciones? What are your obligations?
•Cumplir con los requisitos señalados, para la expedición del certificado de acreditación de legal estancia.To complete the stated requirements for the expediting of your certificate of legal residence.
¿Cuáles son tus derechos? What are your rights?
•Utilizar el certificado de acreditación de legal estancia, para los fines que te fueron solicitados por la autoridad distinta a la migratoria, excepto para trámites de matrimonio, divorcio y adopción. To use the certificate for legal residence, except it doesn't include permits for marriage, divorce or adoption....
Here is the form! You got here by clicking on Formato...above
Formato migratorio para trámites de estancia migratory form for resident visas
Instructivo de llenado instructions for completion
* Campos obligatorios obligatory fields
Verifique la información registrada verify the registered information
* ¿Qué desea hacer? This is the first selection you make from the dropdown box...
Extender la estancia This is what you want to do, extend the stay
Obtener residencia definitiva en México
Realizar actividades diferentes a las autorizadasRegularizar su situación migratoria en México
Obtener protección del estado mexicanoCanje o reposición de forma migratoria
Cumplir con obligaciones migratorias
Permanecer fuera del país por temporalidades mayores a las señaladas en la LGP
Obtener permiso de salida y regreso
Obtener certificaciones o permisos para celebrar actos y contratos
* Especifique
Ampliación de estancia para turista
Prórroga de No inmigrante Select this one. Prolongation of non-immigrant status.
Refrendo de inmigrante
Datos del extranjero (Conforme a Pasaporte o Documento de Identidad) Foreigner's data. Must conform to your Passport or Identification Document)
* Apellido(s) Last name(s)
* Nombre(s) First Name
* Fecha de nacimiento dd/mm/aaaa date of birth day/month/four-digit-year
* Sexo
Seleccione Sex....
CURP I don't have a CURP number....not a required field.
Estado civil actual
Casado married
Divorciado divorced
Soltero single
Unión libre free union
Viudo widowed
Correo electrónico your email address
Lugar de nacimiento place of birth
País country
Seleccione choose from dropdown box
EstadosUnidos de America
Estado, Provincia o Departamento State, Province or Department
* Nacionalidad actual actual nationality, select from dropdown box
EstadosUnidos de America
* Nacionalidad anterior
Seleccione Prior nationality??
...Estados Unidos de America
Pasaporte o Documento con el que se identifica el extranjero Passport or Document that identifies the foreigner
Documento de identificación Dropdown selection...
Documento de identidad y viaje
Libreta de mar
Forma migratoria (con fotografía) This is it. Migratory Form with photo. Your FM booklet number.
Número de documento current FM booklet number
País de expedición
Seleccione leave this as it is if you are using your fm booklet number
Fecha de expedición dd/mm/aaaa date of issue
Fecha de vencimiento dd/mm/aaaa expiration date
Domicilio del extranjero en México home address of foreigner in Mexico
Deberá anotar el nuevo domicilio en esta sección You must notate new address (if applicable) in this section
* Calle street
* Número exterior house number
Número interior interior number, if applicable, like "B" or something
* Colonia Colonia
* Estado
Seleccione dropdown offers YUCATÁN
* Delegacion o municipio city or municipality, dropdown offers MÉRIDA
* Código Postal zip code
Teléfono particular (incluir clave de larga distancia) home phone including long distance or cell phone...including long distance code
En su caso, persona autorizada para tramitar, oir o recibir notificaciones Forget all this unless you have someone else to apply for on this tramite.
Si usted quiere agregar personas autorizadas es necesario que lo efectue con el boton 'Agregar persona', de lo contrario los datos capturados en esta sección no seran guardados
Nacionalidad actual
Tipo de documento de identificación
Documento de identidad y viajeForma migratoria (con fotografía)Credencial de elector (IFE)Cédula profesionalCertificado de matrícula consularCarta de naturalizaciónCartilla de Servicio Militar NacionalOtro
Número de documento
Agregar persona
Si lo desea, puede agregar algún comentario a la solicitud. If you would like to add any comments, you can do so in the space below. I put in my passport info...since they only asked for the FM info above....just a suggestion. You can leave it blank.
Guardar las solicitudes anteriores sin guardar la actual SAVE
Agregar familiar u otro trámite this is if there is another person involved. forget it.
¿Es correcta la información capturada?
Si Is the information entered correct?
At this point, when you click SAVE, or ENTER, it spits out a little box with a confirmation number. Write that number down. If you have trouble printing, you will need that number for certain! Once you save, it should offer you the option to print. It's supposed to print the online app info and the letter.
When you process this paperwork with INM, they give you a paper with your NUT number, your unique tramite number, as well as a password. You need both those numbers to check the status of your FM process online. The website to check the status is http://setram.inami.gob.mx:8080/solicitudes-web/seguimiento-tramite.html
call the office at the number the agent gives you after 1pm. You make an appointment, pick up some photos at WalMart, infant size front and sides, and wait for your appointment date. You'll get the last paper to take to the bank and pay your dues, and when you return to INM they fingerprint you and laminate your card right then and there. Finished for another year. If you want to change your status....you're on your own. I'm just getting this part down! I hope this was helpful for you.
What a thorough job of presenting this new procedure! I have to admit that I always have SOME anxiety, even though I've never had any problems (knock, knock).
Question -- So the letter of request is now automatically produced for you -- you don't need to compose it any more?
Thanks, I hope it helps.
The letter of request comes up as a prompt for you to print. In my case, when the al at INM helped me she printed my confirmation and the letter spit out right afterwards. Any updates on this procedure I'll be happy to print.
So are you saying that you didn't need to produce any of the usual copies of passport, fm3, bank statements, power bil or other bill, etc....
wow that would be much easier for sure if that is true.
Brenda, you need the original FM3 or FM2, and the document you print from the computer. They did not require multiple copies of anything else. It is true.
To the person who wrote the third comment, I don't know what it was or how it got deleted. Just so you know, I haven't received any strange comments or deleted any messages here intentionally.
Thanks for replying Linda.
The third comment was also me. I didn't read it before posting and had made some errors so deleted it. Sorry to confuse you.
Wow, great news that you don't need the bank statements, etc.. Sounds so much easier.
We need to reapply in Sept. as ours runs out in Oct.. So I guess we will see if the office here is the same or if the rules change like before from office to office.
Brenda, no problem. I thought I'd deleted something accidentally.
Go to http://www.inm.gob.mx/index.php/page/tramites
and look at it. What ever part of Mexico you live in, these rules should apply. There is an English translation page but it only shows pictures of the new ID cards, not much about procedure.
wow! That helped a lot. I did my over because before reading your blog, I did it wrong. Thanks so much. I use Explorer and still was not given an option to print, so I did what you did. I also did not see a sample letter. Any chance you would be willing to put that on your blog as well>
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