If you read my blog, you know I rent out two of the rooms to offset the monthly expenses, because the house is big enough to handle it, and because I like utilizing space in a practical way. The upstairs room has been occupied by a super nice (invisible most of the time...basic perfect tenant) for over 16 months. He found a gal and they've set up house, so he reluctantly moved out.
I am putting out the word that this excellent hideaway is again available for rent. We are looking for a long term rental, but would consider short term rentals as well. I took some photos of the room and will offer some explanations. Of course I am biased, but I think it's a great room, even though it doesn't have high ceilings. It's light and airy with jalousy windows, venetian blinds, privacy and is surprisingly quiet since it's upstairs in the rear of the house. You barely hear any street noise. No one else comes upstairs...except us on occasion to hang some laundry or check the solar panels.
This pic shows the windows, the air conditioner on the wall. The short ceilings allow the AC to cool off the room in a matter of minutes with the remote control. When it's really hot and sunny, you can close the blinds and work the AC to your comfort zone. There is TV with cable on the table. The room is set up for wireless access, just enter the code and you are back online, if you have a laptop.
Here is the 'picture window', some silly Christmas lights I strung along the ceiling, which at night really provide a cool lighting effect. They may look silly but I liked the effect. The dresser is small, but functional. In the picture above, the basket on the floor provides extra storage. There is a stereo that plays cds, radio, and believe it or not....cassettes. And I have a Spanish language program that includes a set of cassettes.
If you aren't careful the tiles can make you hallucinate. They're like an Escher drawing when you are in there.
The outside patio reveals the hot water heater, the entrance and the little couch and table for hanging outside on the patio where there is always a cool breeze.
We are in the city, and this is the view from the couch....overlooking the solar panels on our roof, which by the way has a lot of just white open space out there. We keep the gate locked for security, but the key is handy to anyone wanting to do some star watching from the roof. Merida isn't too bright a city and the star gazing is pretty good, just from the back yard.
If there is a drawback to the room, it's steep stairway one must climb and descend as if negotiating a big temple at Chichén Itzá or Tikal! Good exercise for the legs, though!
Ah....the main attraction. Half the pool is in the shade, and behind the railing there is a shaded patio. The pool is already maintaining 83°F and I've started up on my exercise routine. The pool is my favorite place to write, so I hang out in there a lot. When it gets really hot, this small body of water is so refreshing, you are cooled off for hours.
This is the kitchen area. We share the kitchen, but there's just one person living up front and Pablo and me. The kitchen is stocked and easily accesible.
Outside in the patio area is a convenient bathroom made from the old cistern. The house has no shortage of bathrooms!
The laundry room. It houses our laundry products, a stereo whose speakers sit nicely in the window and provide music in the patio. Also the pool floats, toys, balls, noodles, weights, are stored in here, easily accesible to those wanting to float around or play around in the pool. I use the floats and noodles to construct a seat so I can sit under the shaded part of the pool and write.
Pablo's computer on the left, which we offer usage of to tenants who might not have internet. This is a shot from the dining room toward the kitchen.
I call this my library. I like books. There is TV in this sala and a choice between hammock or furniture for relaxation. The cat toys live in here too, it's a preferred play area when we have catnip.
So, too many photos later, this is the 'big picture' of the room for rent. The atmosphere here is peaceful, positive, and safe. I think that $4000 mxn is a fair price to ask, considering the amenities. Just think, your entire monthly expenses paid in one small sum. No bills to harrass you. The housekeeper cleans the room once a week, changes sheets and towels, you are all set. When the Mérida heat really sets in, you have your air conditioned room or the swimming pool to cool off and these luxuries are the things that draw you into Mérida and living in a hot climate. Spread the word if anyone is looking for a place to live.
Email me at: chujukcheel@gmail.com
or call me at 999 285 3935