Requests are pouring in (yeah, right) for more photos of the kitties. At four and a half months, they are not exactly kittens anymore. They eat like lions. I am going to have to set out a donation box to keep feeding them. They are turning into cats but they still play like kittens.
Buster and Busmo have a brotherhood unto themselves. Busmo is a separatist. He prefers to hang with the big boys. Oh he jumps in for a romp and makes his siblings cry, but he prefers the company of his mentor. He still has an appetite bigger than him. He has doubled the size of his stomach to be sure to never miss out on one morsel being served in the dishes.
Lorenza was inflicted with the same sinus condition that Moka suffers. We had funky weather last week that affected all of us human barometers prone to sinus problems. The vet came and took care of Lorenza, she is taking antibiotics and her daily Vicks treatments. Moka only does the Vicks treatments, as she specifically requests NO MORE antibiotics after she took in too much at the beginning of her little life. She also requests NO MORE VETS but she has a hernia after her spaying operation, and one more trip to the doc is going to be required.
Sak Boox is a talker. She will walk around the house and meow. She does not appear to be hungry. Sometimes she wants some loving. Mostly she just likes to hear herself meow. Maybe it is the echo in the rooms with the super tall ceilings.
The kitties miss Daniela and Russell. When I go upstairs to hang laundry or hang out, they all follow me like the Pied Piper. They go into the guest room and sniff around. They come out and look at me with this "Where are they? We need more hugs!" look. But then they find seashells to fling around and they move on.
Thank you!! They look so big already...tell them Christmas time is almost here and they'll get some more catnip gifts soon.
"Purrrrrrr," from Mokito.
"Meow! MEOW! Meeeeeeeeeeeoooow!" from Sak Boox.
"Bitchin', how 'bout some toys?" From Busmo.
"I could use a decongestant," from Lorenza, "and more hugs."
"Got any cat repellent? These kittens are driving me insane. They won't leave me alone," from Buster.
"I'm with Buster, cat repellent," from Moka.
"Got any cat piss odor remover for the bastards from outside?" from Lin.
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