Last year Theresa went to a bloggers’ meeting in Isla Mujeres. She had a great time and enjoyed meeting other Yucatecan bloggers. She decided to organize this year’s event in Mérida. A few months ago another aquatic exerciser, Mikey, started Adventures of Merida Mikey. The three of us discuss blogging in the pool, and we talked about the bloggers’ meet and greet while it was in Theresa’s planning stages. She invited us to participate.
The first event was a cocktail party on Thursday, April 16, at the home of Blah Blah Blah Ginger. Jonna and Mimi showed off their beautiful home by sponsoring our first event. At the party I met a few new folks, but spent more time photographing and petting the animals. Out in the patio I had good conversations with Wayne of Isla Mujeres Gringo In Paradise and Mikey. Mike is a close Mérida friend, and Wayne seemed familiar, like I already knew him. I talked to the hostesses but just barely, probably about Akumal and animals. I enjoyed talking to Nancy and Paul from Countdown to Mexico but I don’t remember what I was jabbering about. I drank too much, ended up in a discussion with Heather in Paradise about dog poop, and as a result I imagine I made a lousy impression.
Next , on Friday at my house, speakers gave presentations. Wayne, Theresa, Ellen of YUCATANLIVING, and Paul of Hammock Musings from Mérida spoke about using digital photography, making money, finding focus and inspiration for our blogs. Sixteen people attended. I learned quite a bit, not only about blogging, but about bloggers. It was interesting, fun, and I managed to meet a few more of the participants. I also learned how to link these folks up on this blog, causing the delay in posting. It took a while to figure all this out and put into action.
Presentations on Friday, April 17, 2009 at my house, Ko'ox Báab.

After meeting 20+ bloggers, it struck me that I had not read everyone’s blogs. I know I spend plenty of time on the computer, but if I try to read 30 blogs a day, I will never get anything else done. I might have to schedule actual blogging time so I don’t get carried away .
After meeting 20+ bloggers, it struck me that I had not read everyone’s blogs. I know I spend plenty of time on the computer, but if I try to read 30 blogs a day, I will never get anything else done. I might have to schedule actual blogging time so I don’t get carried away .
After the presentations we all went to the Las Ruinas bar and restaurant, chatting and sucking up a few beers, enjoying botana of various pickled vegetables and pigs’ innards, etc. What a great place Theresa found!
I was tired from the day’s activities and skipped the walking tour of the Centro, but Pablo and I met up with the group at Los Cumbancheros restaurant. Pablo and I enjoyed dancing to the live Cuban music, and some of the others joined us on the dance floor. The food wasn’t great but the band was terrific.
Saturday I had to work, so I missed the breakfast at the Hotel El Castellano. It was a long hot day at home with swim classes from 8am until 5pm. We were wiped out and decided to crash in the hammocks early…never going anywhere that night.
Sunday’s plan was to meet in the Centro and walk around again. I thought about going, but it’s the only day I can relax with Pablo. I could only attend so many functions. Later I found out Sunday’s plans changed to a farewell breakfast. I may have given the impression I wasn’t interested in people by missing Saturday’s events. That’s not true, and I would like to say to Dodwells Head South, YOLISTO, DEBI IN MERIDA and TOM'S BLOG, Livin' The Lisa Loca, Not The News - Life in Mérida, and anyone else I didn’t get a chance to chat with, that I enjoyed our blogger weekend. It was a pleasure to meet everyone. It is interesting to meet other expats and learn why they decided to live in México, hear about their journeys, their special places, etc. It was a great learning experience that I would enjoy participating in again next time.
We are going to link up all our blogs on a site called Mexico in English. When we get that organized, I will update.
Nice report. Thank you for opening up your home to all of us. As you know, I really enjoyed meeting you and look forward to our continued friendship!
Thanks. I enjoyed the experience also and look forward to our continued friendship.
Lin, I think you felt the way I did at the 1st annual blogger's meeting. A bit overwhelmed and shy. It's hard to meet so many new people all at once!
When I think about the fact that you really didn't know anyone and still volunteered your house to use for the presentations, I am even more impressed with your generosity!
Thank you so much for helping out!
I have to admit the bloggers' meeting has caused me to do a lot of thinking about writing, about blogs, and about people in general. It was a good learning experience in so many ways!
Lin, I had hoped to go to the bloggers meetup but had to work thru most of it. Just discovered your blog, what a nice job! I live in Chelem and write a blog about the beach area. If you get a chance to read it and link to it I would appreciate it. I think it was wonderful of you to open your house up to so many unknown people! It would have totally overwhelmed me!
Thanks, Teresa.
Sorry you couldn't make the bloggers meeting. it was interesting, to say the least. I think it made us all think a little bit diferently. It left a lasting impression on me, for sure. The part about opening up my house to a load of strangers didn't freak me out. I come from a long history of SPUR OF THE MOMENT parties! I never had a housewarming, and there were more people here that day than have been in here at all since I moved in! (two years ago!)
I just linked your blog. Thanks for the comment.
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