Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Animal Sterilization Mérida: More Photos

Did you really think I could post a story about such a huge venture with only one handful of photos? NOT!  Here is another handful....

Super-Volunteer & Dog Whisperer Extraordinaire, Jill.

Patiently waiting.

Poor baby. 

Surgeons and Vet Techs in translation.

Critters came in all kinds of containers.

Off to the recovery room.

The last stop:  recovery.  Whew!


BajaJohn said...

Those are some great photos. Is the cat with the pink necklace dead? It sure doesn't look too good. Nice to see people taking the time to take care of their pets.

Linda Dorton said...

Thanks! NO the cat isn't dead, it is under anesthesia..weird, isn't it?

The volunteers were amazing and the locals more than willing to participate. It was heartwarming.